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Goasduff (2021) reported that the global usage of electronic devices was approximately 6.2 billion in 2021, and experts predict that it will reach 6.4 billion in 2022. Like other industries, healthcare is undergoing a transition from traditional paper formats to digital tools. This transition ranges from physical devices, such as computers, tablets, and mobile phones, to various software applications and wearable devices.

Having experienced the freedom of choosing one’s own device across both personal and professional life, end users have developed an expectation to be able to “bring your own devices” (BYOD) in healthcare as well. A national survey reported that over half –58.23%– of mobile phone users have downloaded at least one health-related mobile app in the past (Krebs & Duncan, 2015). The COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated this trend toward BYOD in healthcare.

For organizations and employees

BYOD helps to reduce expenses, increase productivity, and improve communication and workflows through automation (Williams, 2014). For patients, the digitization of data collection and the option of BYOD at home alleviates both the physical (e.g., traveling), and financial (e.g., day-off without pay) burdens of commuting between healthcare facilities and their homes. Further, BYOD improves usability and user experiences by making the most of digital platforms. High compliance and engagement constitute an important advantage of BYOD.

In a conference abstract, Khurana et al. (2021) reported an average compliance rate of 89% after reviewing 15 BYOD clinical trials that collected electronic Clinical Outcome Assessment (eCOA) data across various therapeutic areas (e.g., CNS, hematology, dermatology, pulmonology, women’s health, and virology). Additionally, Pugliese et al. (2016) found that BYOD correlated with higher engagement compared to study-provided devices, in terms of both frequency and duration of application usage.

The Datacubed Difference

The literature supports Datacubed Health’s mobile application for robust and resilient compliance. A 55-day clinical study used the app for daily electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePROs). The study retained 93.5% of participants until the end. The compliance rate for these retained participants was 100% (“Virtual Trials”, 2021). In a longer study that utilized the app for 6 months, a retention rate of 87% was obtained at study completion, with 95% compliance among those retained (Bayer & Glimcher, 2019).

BYOD helps to reduce expenses, increase productivity, and improve communication and workflows through automation.

Women’s Health in Clinical Trials

Historically, clinical trial research in the U.S. has mainly relied on young adult male participants. Various factors drive the exclusion of female participants. One factor is the perception that male data is easier to analyze than female data. This is due to estrus and menstrual cycles. Another factor is concern about potential negative impacts on fetuses. This relates to medications and treatments in pregnant participants (Killien et al., 2000).

This exclusion is in stark contrast to the health disparities women face in the U.S., especially compared to men and women in other high-income countries. For instance, in comparison to men, women have higher rates of vision abnormalities (e.g., hyperopia, myopia, glaucoma, etc.; Clayton & Davis, 2015), a greater share of adult obesity (Hales et al., 2018), and lower liver transplant rates (Mathur et al., 2011).

With BYOD, participants are already familiar with the device they use for a clinical trial, improving accessibility and usability.

Other factors, ranging from molecular and physiological sex differences to societal and cultural beliefs and practices, have further contributed to these gender-based health disparities. For example, an international analysis of breast cancer incidence found higher incidence rates and increasing trends in female breast cancer compared to males, with the highest rates observed in the U.S. (Ly et al., 2013).

Other biases to Consider

Other research has shown that women experience health disparities due to sociocultural biases (e.g., healthcare provider behaviors), such as lower liver transplant rates and a greater likelihood of remaining on the transplant waiting list (Mathur et al., 2011). Even more troubling is that this inequality is most prevalent in women with higher mortality risks (Mathur et al., 2011). Many other disparities between women and men, such as the incidence of vision abnormalities (Clayton & Davis, 2015) and lung disease (Pinkerton et al., 2015), are the result of a combination of biological and sociocultural biases.

Ensuring that women are included in clinical trials is vital for improving research outcomes. Despite the reasons behind health disparities impacting women, increasing their inclusion in clinical trials is critical. This would enable objective examinations of biological and sociocultural factors and their implications for clinical treatments and practices, leading to better health outcomes for all. However, it is essential to avoid extrapolating treatments, medications, and practices based on male-dominant data, as doing so puts women and other groups at unnecessary risk. A more inclusive environment in clinical trials is necessary to achieve better health outcomes for all.

BYOD and Women’s Health

In order to advance women’s health, researchers must move beyond compartmentalized and antiquated notions of biological sex. Women are not a homogenous group of individuals. Numerous factors affect population health, including gender, age, socioeconomic status, education, cultural background, geographical location, and disability status. Killien and colleagues (2000) highlight several key challenges historically marginalized and underrepresented women face in clinical trial research. Limited childcare, transportation, and scheduling conflicts hinder access, while knowledge and trust deficits persist. All things considered, BYOD uniquely positions itself to address a number of these concerns.

With Bring-Your-Own-Device

Participants are already familiar with the device they use for a clinical trial, improving accessibility and usability. Additionally, participants can finish some study tasks without scheduling in-person visits, saving time and resources for everyone involved. High compliance and engagement are further benefits of the BYOD approach. The collective advantages of BYOD are further strengthened when supported by the Datacubed Health platform.

Specifically, with features such as eConsent and Virtual Visit, Datacubed reduces potential sources of friction for participation. For example, scheduling conflicts, time spent commuting, cost of transportation, and lost wages due to missed work. Datacubed’s mobile app supports automated reminders and notifications. And can be used to share information that keeps participants engaged and informed, fostering trust.

Making it personal

The app also provides opportunities to nurture a sense of personal connection through identity lock. This is a behavioral science approach that specifically connects a participant’s identity to participation in the study. By reinforcing the participant’s role as a partner to the study, rather than simply being a study subject. Further, Datacubed Health’s integration capabilities with sensors and wearables allow researchers to collect real-world data, passively. Gaining insight into characteristics such as physical activity, heart rate, and social behavior, all without placing additional burdens on participants.


The literature is clear: gender bias in clinical trial research has contributed to gender-based health disparities. This fact has also been recognized by government agencies such as the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services et al., 2020) and the NIH (NIH; National Institutes of Health, 2019). The BYOD model can alleviate some common impediments women face in clinical trials. And, as a result, facilitate the improvement of women’s health and well-being.

The Datacubed BYOD Difference

Our platform fully supports BYOD and further offers greater accessibility, trust, and usability to all genders. By leveraging Datacubed Health’s BYOD approach, researchers can expect higher compliance and retention. In effect leading to more accurate data capture, allowing for improved analysis of population-specific factors. Ready to know more? Request a demo with one of our experts.