
Transforming the Clinical Trial Experience with Patient Centricity

Why should patient centricity matter to you? In recent years, apps have emerged as popular tools for managing privacy and delivering information to clinical trial participants. Sponsors are even leveraging these tools to facilitate clinician-to-patient encounters for virtual care. The problem is participants are often required to toggle between multiple apps—or carry a separate phone—to effectively input data. This results in patient disengagement and diminished study integrity.

Datacubed Health is looking to correct the drop-off trend and increase study success rates with our revolutionary eCOA solution. A consumer-grade app requiring minimal administration, it combines behavioral science with a seamless user interface to deliver compliance rates of 90%. In this playbook, you’ll discover: (1) Why it’s critical to have patient centricity at the center of your eCOA solution. (2) How you can leverage the principles of behavioral science to improve patient engagement and data collection.

Download this white paper to learn more about building more patient centricity into your eCOA solution to correct the drop-off trend, improve data collection and increase study success rates. When you’re ready, watch this short video to see how we do it!

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