Gastrointestinal Disorders in Clinical Trials

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are essential for developing new medications and treatments for a wide range of diseases and conditions. However, historically, clinical trials have often lacked diversity in their participants, leading to inadequate representation of certain groups and potential health disparities. To discuss the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in clinical trials, we invited EmVenio Research’s Head of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy, Brandy Starks, to share her thoughts on this critical topic in the clinical trials industry.

Throughout the discussion, Brandy speaks with Datacubed Health’s Business Development Representative, Darious Davis, and they cover a multitude of topics. Brandy shares with us what DE&I in clinical trials means to her, the importance of technology influence in clinical trials, how to break down barriers in the underrepresented communities partaking in clinical trials, her solutions on how to advance diversity in clinical trials, and much more.